After that for awhile, for the first time they were the only two in the world, and Adonis and Might talked together.

Which reminds me, I met with His Majesty the King and Prince Werne, it was a great honor...

When the space-time interval was swallowed up, it wasn't possible to finish talking in the time they had left, of all the companions he made on his journey...

--Lorence, Leica, Pam, Kurt, Ragsiel, and finally, Hector...

Adonis felt admiration for Might as he told about many episodes meekly, and showed a smiling face.

The two forgot that time was passing and talked frantically afterwards.

And then, before they knew it the topic arrived at the time when they saw the enemy...

For that time... I'm truly sorry. After you wounded me, I dragged you into the ravine with me to another dimension...

No... That's fine. Because, I was able to meet you again... Besides... At that time... I already didn't want to remember.

Might bit his lip painfully.

Because, I... I love Adonis, and this hand...

Might gazed at his right hand firmly as if the sword that pierced through Adonis was there...

From his expression, Adonis could feel his pain.


Adonis embraced the boy gently as if he was being touched by feathers.

He wanted to soothe the pain in Might... Then, he wanted to heal Might's pain... Those were the type of feelings he had.

Adonis... Will you let me...?

When Adonis answered his question with a smile filled with affection, he softly pressed his lips on Might's lips.

Like a peck from a small bird, his kiss was gentle.

I've never hated or felt bitter towards you even once. Because, you're the most important person to me...

Might's eyes that were gazing at Adonis were tearing up with joy.

When Adonis scooped the teardrops with his finger, and slowly he set up Might.

A, Adonis...? Adonis
...It's not good? Might...

It was so sudden that in the beginning Might couldn't hide his shyness.

But, he had the same hot desire to become one also.

Then... At Adonis' awkwardness and and eager form, Might's desire rose little by little...

Might also put his hands on Adonis' pants...

Adonis' eyes were dyed by the sunset, and Might's reflection was in them...

It was his beloved person that he finally got to meet...

After this let's always... always be together, Might...

Yes... I love you, Adonis...

To confirm each other's desire, Adonis pushed his lips against Might's and seemed to be filled with lust.

As he roughly violated him orally in the kiss, the usual Adonis changed as he became zealous.

I don't want you to leave me again... Might... Nn... My Might...

Might also coiled his own tongue around in answer to Adonis' caresses. The saliva began to overflow, and they already didn't understand whose was whose.

As Adonis filled up Might's mouth, his hand held his chest, and his fingernails erected his nipples. Might's sweet voice began to leak out from inside his mouth.

As Adonis parted his lips and continued down to where his fingers played with the nipples on his chest, Might made a painful expression as he lightly pecked them with his teeth.

Hah... Adonis...

Might... Does it feel good?

Y, yeah... hah... it feels good...

While panting at the persistent caresses, Might's hand moved to Adonis' stomach... Adonis had already reached his limit of excitement.

When he noticed, Adonis moved his face to Might's stomach to escape his caresses.

Might... you're hot...

Adonis touched his stoutness, and when he wrapped it in the palm of his hand he softly covered it with his mouth like an important thing.

Adonis... If you do that... S, stop...

Might was swallowed up by waves of pleasure that he had never experienced before, his face flushed as he became feverish, and he kept calling his loved one's name.

The day started getting dark, and no one was in the park, and only the sound of splashing resounded.

Adonis... I, soon...

Might had begun to feel his limits, and begged Adonis.

Might... I want to become one with you... I want to become one, and I never want to part from you!

Yes... I don't want to be separated from you either...

How much pleasure would he feel when he became one with Adonis... This boy didn't seem to have a way to control his desire any longer.

When his feelings were confirmed, Adonis gently moved behind his slender body.

He pressed his erection to the boy's delicate rear end.

Might, I love you...

The next moment, Adonis was inside of Might in a breath.

Hah... Nnn!

Might's expression painfully distorted at the invasion of a foreign object.

Might... It, it's tight.

Adonis, losing himself in his first experience and also ready to finish at any time, bit his lip and tried to endure it eagerly.

Following his desires, Might's back violently trembled, the sweet joy of being indulged lurked in Might's voice.

Adonis... We've finally become one...

Yes, Might... I love you...

When Adonis told him that, he slowly began moving his hips.

A, Adonis... It's a little... strange...

He was really becoming one with Adonis... The pain he thought he couldn't endure at first slowly softened, and the sprouting pleasure began to heighten his breathing.

Ah... Might... Might!

As he approached his limits, Adonis' movements grew more violent.

Adonis... Adonis... Soon... Aah!!

Might... Me too... Might!!

When they finished at the same time, their bodies were connected together tightly as one.

They didn't need to speak again--Together they felt the warmth of each other' s skin for all eternity, because the bonds they formed here could never be broken...

Adonis and Might--This moment, the lengthy amount of time passed, and they were bound as one...

I've been terribly worried... Finally those two souls have become one...

After he migrated Adonis' and Might's souls to this world, he had peeped at them for a long time...

No, Ragsiel continuously watched over them, and when they finally were bound together he smiled satisfactorily.

However, it produced a chic situation if I do say so myself...

In this present world, when they reached the age when they were transmigrated to this world, I handed over those stones thinking they would become excited. .. But it was more effective than I anticipated.

Ragsiel's eyes looked in the distance with deep feelings.

I've done my duty... If will leave the future in your hands.

Ragsiel smiled with a whiff.

Those two will be fine... Those deep bonds cross over space and time, so they shine eternally...

Adonis... And, Might... May your future have much happiness!

Words of a compassionate god.

This time, for sure their wishes would come true...

The End