I'm sorry, I still need to get back. Because you've treated me to tea this time... Well, until next time, Hector...

He said that, and Might start walking towards the exit.


Don't go back...

Hector stood up in front of Might slowly, holding tea in his mouth.


Might suspiciously looked back.

He embraced his body forcibly, and Hector snatched his lips...!


Hector wrenched his mouth open with his tongue, and poured the tea down his throat.

Surprised, Might twisted his body to part their lips.

Wh, what are you doing, Hec...!

That moment, Might's vision began to become distorted.

Wh... what...?!

Then, before long he couldn't stand and his body became heavy...!

M, my body... can't move...!

Hector's face, had a smile on it...!

Suddenly his senses became vague, and only Hector's words echoed in Might's mind.

(Might-kun... Are you happy... now?)

(Happy... Happy...?)

(...No. It wasn't happiness...)

(Because... he wasn't there... because he wasn't there... Even if... everyone was there... Hector... he...)

After that, Might's vision was covered in darkness... and his senses stopped.

(...Uh...nn... I... What's wrong with me...)

(...That's right, definitely... I drank Hector's tea... and then...)


When he recovered his senses, Might was surprised by his situation.

Right hand, right foot, left hand, left foot...

His hands and feet were restricted and he was completely naked, and he lied face-down with his anus thrust up, so his appearance on the bed was too shameful...!

And then, Hector silently sat by his side.

Wh, what are you doing... Hector! This... ...What's going on...!

What is this... I think you know. I've tied you up.

Hector's face had a chilling smile like he was some other person as he said that, and his voice was full of dark feelings.

As if it was before... Back to his ways when he was an assassin before they fought the demon king.

He didn't understand what Hector was thinking, and Might's mind ran around puzzled.

However, shame and wondering "Why" filled his heart.

...You're beautiful... Might-kun...!

Hector breathed in momentarily, and watched Might's body.

And then, regardless of Might turning his face away in shame and sadness, and he forcibly caressed Might's anus.


Hector's white, flexible hands and hot wet tongue violated Might and his anus.

In time it slowly changed from diligent caresses to rough, and violent... As if he completely attacked Might with his desires, the center of Might's body...

He pulsed hotly with that, and his hot mass began carrying out his desires.

...Nn... Sto... Hec... tor...

Something boiled up inside of Might that he frantically resisted, and his voice rejected it.

But, contrary to his intentions, Might's groin hardened in Hector's hand, and then it more and more he towered as if he wanted it.


A trail of tears spilled down Might's cheeks.

Normally he wouldn't feel anything from such savage caresses.

But, it was a friend that he allowed to do anything to him now... No, he was more than that.

Might's entire body remembered that feeling, and was familiar with it. Those hands, those fingers, that tongue... And... Hector himself.

Hector... Why... Like this...


Hector didn't say anything, his mouth was contained between the groin of the soaring Might.

Might desperately tried to endure the strong waves of pleasure being knocked into him. However, when those porcelain fingers caught Might's anus, that moment they thrust inside...

Uh, a... Aaah...!

The wall holding up against those intention was smashed when a strong pleasant feeling went through him like an electric shock.

At the same time, his entire body stiffened, he jumped with slight intoxication. .. Between his legs much hot semen spat out.

A large amount of body fluids soiled the bed and Might.

But, there were no reverberations in Might... Only tears streaming from his eyes.

Does it... feel good.


...I couldn't give you an answer. But... I...

He didn't say anything, and he caressed Might again...

There was some medicine remaining, still making his senses a little hazy inside, but the strong pleasure ruled Might's senses.

But, inside of Might, he felt another faint sense.

From the bottom of Hector's heart he felt a dim sensation pour through him firsthand. Exactly opposite of that roughness...


After that time flowed for awhile.

How many times did he reach climax...

Hector kept playing with Might's body with lust that couldn't be exhausted.

But, suddenly... He heard a voice different from Hector's up to then.


Then it was a low sobbing voice... Hector was sobbing.


I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

While Hector untied the ropes binding Might's arms and legs, he only repeated that, continuing to mutter apologizing words.

Strong red marks clearly marked where the rope had been tied.

To do such things... I...!

Hector... Why...

...Why...? Isn't it obvious. I wanted you... It's no more than that.

It was... no more than that...

While he said that, Hector hung his head in shame...

...What... happened... What happened to you!

Nothing... I was... insecure, that's it...

As he said that, he dropped Might's hips, and looked down.

When the battle with the demon king was over... Everyone improved on their own paths... I also, tried to choose a path to advance on instead of the given road.

Soon, I hated it... I kept killing people. So... I thought if I was a person in the business of saving people...

In a remote place like this, no one knew that I was an assassin, I made medicine to help people and became a pharmacist.

...Isn't that a wonderful thing. I think it was remarkable...

Even if Might didn't understand what Hector said, he answered, puzzled.

When those words entered his ears, Hector smiled and continued speaking.

I improved every day... At that.

However, why... Even though I chose the ambitious road. My heart was empty... Nothing could fill my desires, right, nothing...!

So, I thought... and thought... I always thought, to understand what was causing it...!

...You know what I think it was? That was... Might-kun, you, because... you weren't there...!


You, when we were together, I was happy. But... The moment you weren't there. .. I was left all alone!

You were in the knights, always doing new things, and meeting new people... Everything about me... You forgot about!

And now I'm... going to be left behind for a long time... Your going to leave me behind!

It's strange... Even though I chose this path... I've become like this, I should have expected this from the beginning...

You're leaving me too... ...Just like my parents...

I, hated myself... Like this... I'm not appreciated, I can't be appreciated!

That... I...

At that time, Might remembered...

Hector always lived in loneliness. Generally humans couldn't stand to live in loneliness.

And then, the fearless mask that he used so that other people couldn't get close to him came down.

It's strange, isn't it... I thought I had abandoned feeling like this already. .. But...

But still... Still I... I... didn't want to leave you... To be left behind by you... I hated it...!


I know it's stupid, but... I wanted... to be with you...!

Then, Hector stood up, and turned his back to Might. He didn't want him to see his face in that state.

It's ok to go back now... Hurry back, already... Please don't come here. Forget about me, like this...

I'm, not qualified to be with you...!

That's not true...!

Hector couldn't believe what he heard... With that sort of expression, he turned around. Might's sincere, stubborn expression was reflected in his eyes.


Because... I... have the same feelings too...!

When I couldn't find you... I was heart-broken... Really, I didn't want... to leave you...!

Such comfort... I'm not sure I believe it. You've... Made my dreams come true...!

...But I feel the same way as you! Let's talk... I don't want to leave you again...! Always... I've had these constant feelings...

He turned away from Might, and Hector hung his head... Various feelings ran through his heart.

Oh my... I'm an idiot... You... I was determined to send you back... But I can't stop trembling...

Hector's shoulders shook... It seemed like at any time something in his mind could explode, when he looked like that.

Is it... ok, even like this, I really...

...But it's Hector! Because it's Hector... I want to be with you...

At those words, Hector finally turned his head.

He silently embraced Might, who had a small smile.

After that... No more words were needed.

In front of Might, Hector took off his clothes. He truly hadn't changed from that time, his white... and beautiful body. They embraced each other madly, and exchaned long... long kisses.

Is it, ok...

At those words, Might looked down a little shyly... And then, answered.

Yes... Will... You give it to me?

Hector answered while smiling... He had definitely not changed, by his answer.

Of course... I am yours... As long as you want... Always...

On the bed, Might sat on top of Hector and sank down. It excited the passion in Hector's body, and slowly... Deeply, he began to penetrate Might from under him.

Nn, aah...!

They moved together to become one, and slowly... rhythmically they rocked their bodies.

Then, every time they rocked their bodies... Hector swelled even larger, and became harder. He penetrated Might deeply, and strongly...

Don't leave... again.... Aah... ah... Hector...

While he said that, Might moved again... Trying to move against Hector's body, trying to feel just a little pleasure.

Might-kun... Does it... feel good...?

It's feels... good... and... you...?

Me too... me too...!

Inside of their bodies, a hot feeling began welling up again.

Might-kun... I'm sorry, again...

Ah... ...Hector... More... togeth... together...!

That instant. Their view was filled with a strong, warm light.



Then, they both released thick body fluids that seemed as hot as magma...

Hector's semen poured inside of Might.

Freely, hotly, endlessly... The feelings he kept to himself before, everything was shared. Then, Might took in all of it.

In a catnap, Hector held the dreamy Might, and that face gazed away. Yes, at that time he still recognized that "unpleasant guy"... He always saw, that face, no matter how much he looked.

But, Hector never got tired of it. He didn't need anything else... He always, always wanted him, and now, Hector had him in his arms.

Isn't it... getting dark. If you don't return quickly, won't the knights be strict with their lockup time?

Yes, but... It's ok, like this...

...Really... Is it ok? But, wasn't being in the knights your dream...

Being a knight... Wasn't my only dream.

Eh... Then... What kind of...

Might didn't answer what Hector said.

I want to drink some tea... Don't put drugs in it this time. Ok?

Hector was taken aback that moment, but he instantly smiled and responded.

That's fine, please wait, I'll boil the most extraordinary masterpiece for you.

While seeing Hector leave the bedroom with a smile on his face, Might's heart murmured.

Don't you know, Hector... From that time, I've understood your heart, from that time... I've had another dream.

So I could always be with you... I became a knight. That was my dream... Because that dream became important to me...

Before this, Might didn't understand what was in front of him. However, perhaps... It seemed like two people like that had no connection.

Yes, because they were bound by their feelings for so long it didn't matter what they were.

Hector, I... love you...

The End