Truly, after they were finally able to meet, it wasn't possible for him to know what to do.

But, Might decided to accept her favor after all.

Pam seemed to try to explain everything to his mother neatly.

Holding his mother's and Might's hands, they went towards the hut and Pam was cheerful and uplifted.

When he saw Pam like that, Might felt a little at ease too.

Well, umm, we've gone all around the world. My companion was there without fail and I believed in him, and we went to all kinds of places!

Pam was speaking too quickly. What kind of place he grew up in, meeting Might, and then his experiences traveling around the world together...

Painful times, sad times, happy times.

Might didn't have either of his parents either. So, he understood Pam's feelings well.

It looked like a fun conversation between a mother and son, and from of the bottom of his heart he sincerely thought "I'm glad...".

Pam's mother also happily smiled at his story, but...

Then, I found grandpa! At first, it seemed like grandpa didn't like me, but when we were leaving he said this!

If you can find your mother, I want you to tell her this. I'll allow her to come home again... ...He said!!

Pam's Mom
Eh, father...! He, gave me permission.

Yeah, he did! Grandpa wants to see you too!

Ne, let's go back to grandpa together. Me and mom and dad,... And Might too, ok~?

Pam's Mom
...That... Well.

Until then it had been a calm atmosphere, but Might could see it changed at that moment.

Eh, why not? I don't want to leave Might. So let's all go together!!

Pam's Mom

Pam's mother turned her face down with an expression that seemed pained.

Even if she confided in him... What was it...?

A heavy silence flowed.

Umm, is it bad for me to come with you...?

Pam's Mom
No... It's not that...

Pam's Mom
Pam... I don't want to leave your father... So, I can't go back to my father. ..

E~h, so, dad will come with us!!

Pam's Mom
No... No...

Pam's mother turned her face away painfully. Her shoulders trembled slightly.

...Then what is it? Pam has lived to now supported by the idea that his family could be together again one day. So, what reason is there...?!

Facing Might and Pam with cloudy eyes, the words quietly leaked out of his mother's mouth.

Pam's Mom
Your father is...

My father is... What is it?

Pam's Mom
You... Did you know that humans hunt beastmen in order to make them slaves? Some hunters like that attacked us...


Pam's Mom
That day, is still burned into my eyes... You were still a baby.

Pam's Mom
We... quietly lived in this forest, until the hunters found us...

Pam's Mom
I was holding you, and we fled desperately... While it was pouring down rain... We ran through the forest... And under a cliff...

Pam's Mom
I couldn't...! My foot slipped... As I was holding you, I fell into the river...



Pam's Mom
I thought I was holding on to you but... But, it was no good... The currents of the muddy stream... I could feel you... disappear from my hands...


Pam's Mom
...I don't remember after that. When I woke up I was on the bank of the river...

Pam's Mom
I frantically prayed to god. To save you and your father...

Pam's Mom
While I was praying, I searched for you...

Then... Dad... Dad is...

Pam's Mom
Down the riverbank... ...Completely cold... To save you, he jumped in the river, and...

Dad... died...

Shocked by the harsh confession, Pam murmured in a daze... Might couldn't find the words to say to Pam.


Pam's mother showed them the way to a place with two small stones lined up.

It was the only place that didn't have any trees growing, and was a gloomy spot in the forest.

Soft rays of sunlight shone down, and Might could feel it was a very sacred place.

Pam's Mom

This is the burial...?




Where he stood still, Might gently placed a hand on Pam's shoulder.

...Da, dad...

A trail of tears began overflowing from Pam's eyes... Trying to hide those, he rubs his eyes, but new tears kept gushing forth...


...Uh... Aah... Dad...!!

Before Might could say anything, Pam ran off. He didn't want them to see his tears...


Chase after Pam

Leave Pam alone