But, from his position it wasn't possible to escape.

As Might hesitated, he suddenly realized he couldn't move his body.

(Huh...? I can't... move my body...)

Huhuhu... I was finally able to get just one.

With a suppressed smile, Ragsiel controlled Might's body with his thoughts.

Ah... Wh, what are you doing, Ragsiel-san...!

He couldn't oppose him.

Ragsiel manipulated his body with his will, and drew him towards himself.

Hou... Do you want me to comfort you in your loneliness until Adonis comes back? That's fine. Shall I make love to you fully?

Ple, please wait a minute!

Even though he was flustered, he understood Ragsiel's underlying motive. From the time he was raped at the Varoja temple.

He understood it was useless to disobey him. After all, his companion was a god.

The only saving grace was that Adonis wasn't in their presence.

(I don't want Adonis to see me like this...)

He gave himself completely to Ragsiel's arms as he thought about that relief, and bit his lips.

Ragsiel held him from behind, and pushed him down on the bed.

Not speaking figuratively, the flexible god's finger rolled up his tunic, and slid under his clothes.

...Uh... Kah...

Ragsiel's fingers invaded his pants. His eyes closed at the pleasant sensations that were surging, and he desperately endured it.

That expression excited Ragsiel sadistic heart more and more-.

Huhuhu... I see, did you want me so much?

While meddling with a part of Might, he whispered in his ear.

No, no way... I...

It's fine if you don't say it. You're a cute boy. Really, you humans are so interesting. I never lose interest no matter how much I taste it.

Hmm... But, this is the first time I'm making love to you alone.

Since they came to the heavens, Might and Adonis were always together. Especially when they were receiving Ragsiel's affection.

It was hard for him to see Ragsiel rape Adonis, but his only relief was that at least they weren't separated again.

(It's better... if he only does it to me...)

Sensations welled up in the lower half of his body, and when he impatiently though the couldn't bear the pleasure,

Suddenly, the fingers stopped playing with Might's body.


When he looked, Ragsiel had an amused expression for some reason.

Which reminds me, when I manipulated you for the first time on the earth... ...You pleasured yourself alone.

Wha... ...What are you saying? That was you...

As his cheeks flushed his protests were smashed easily in front of Ragsiel's transcendent smile.

How about it, shall we try the same thing again? How long has it been since you've done it by yourself?

Th, that...

Adonis and he were always together, and when they made love together Ragsiel was working through them.

I don't mind. I'll see for myself. Come, I'll show you.

Saying something like that...

The hesitating Might suddenly became aware of his appearance.

His pants were lowered halfway, and the naked part of him was hot and wet from the remaining traces of pleasure from earlier.

Ragsiel's cool eyes stared there, and the feeling of intense embarrassment welled up inside of him.

And then the flames of his desire were lit again.

Ah... damn...

He couldn't control the feeling that he was about to burst, and he grabbed himself with both hands. Roughly he began stroking himself like that.

To use such a vulgar word in front of a god, not well done, Might.

Ragsiel gently whispered contradictory words in Might's ear.

When he was held from behind and made to stand up and face a large full-length mirror.

Come, you should see that lewd face for yourself.

I, I can't...

His figure in front of the mirror... He forgot his shame, and single-mindedly lusted for the desires of an obscene boy.

Before he knew it he was made to take off his clothes, and he was as naked as the day he was born. In the heavens, the gods could freely control everything through their will.

At his own appearance, Might unintentionally stopped his actions.

But, his hands continued moving of their own accord.

Ragsiel...san. St, stop... I don't, like this...

Huu, what are you saying. I'm not doing anything.

B, but... I...

He frantically protested but, with the pleasurable feelings numbed his senses so that he forgot his words as he spoke.

His hands progressed, and his fingers crawled towards his backside. He went passed his pair of soft sacks, and his towards his bud.

It was the same as on earth, when Ragsiel played with him the first time.

He remembered his first disgrace, then at the same time the memories of pleasure revived. Might played with both sides.

Whether he was being manipulated, or acting of his own will... He was acting blindly.

Might absolutely couldn't hold in the desire that was about to burst, and he couldn't do anything but pant.

Ah... kuh, uuh... Ah, ah... Ra, Ragsiel...san... Pl, please... I... I... so...

What's wrong? Don't restrain yourself for me. You should enjoy yourself to the end.

Or, shall I help you... Hm?

He hung over the back of the boy who was comforting himself eagerly and whispered.

Might reached his trigger as he felt the sensations of his fingers crawled in his body.

Uh... Kuah...

His head became blank as a stream of pleasure pushed up.

Huhuhu... You don't seem to be completely satisfied, Might.

He overlooked Might as he lied on the bed completely exhausted, and Ragsiel had a faint smile.

Really, you desert me, a god, and pleasure yourself alone. You're completely lewd.


At the same time he said that, Ragsiel pushed Might down again.

Ah... Ra, Ragsiel-san...!

This time, it's my turn. It's your punishment for only pleasuring yourself. You'll give me reliable satisfaction.

As he said that, he reachd his hand out and held Might's face from behind.

Like this...?! St, stop...!

Suddenly Ragsiel's fingers invaded his mouth, and he lost what he was saying in the middle of the sentence.

As his tongue was caressed, he began playing with Might again for pleasure without words.

Nn... Nnn...

At the same time, Ragsiel reached his other hand to the lower half of Might's body.

The god stroked him with reassuring fingers more delicately than just a bit ago when he masturbated his sensitive parts.

Strongly, then gently. As if he was conducting an orchestra, he gave pleasure to Might's body precisely.

Kuh... Kah... Nnn... nn...

Unable to raise his voice, Might couldn't do anything as his body trembled with pleasure.

Huu... This lewdness... Even though you said you were just pleasured a bit ago, you're this pleased.

Lowering his voice to a whisper, he stimulated Might further.

Uh... Uah... Ah, ah...

Well then, shall I amuse myself soon...

He hung over his body, continuing to caress the upper and lower parts and Might's mouth.

Dripping wet--. With an extremely hard erection, he slowly began entering Might.

Auh... kah... kuh!

His mouth, and those parts. And then, how many times was his poor flower loved.

As those three places were tortured at the same time, Might's senses reached climax in the twinkle of an eye.

Nn... nnn... kah... guh... aah...

His whole body stiffened, and twice as much semen burst from his tip as last time.

Aah... aah...!

Hmm... This is good... Good. ...Come, you should indulge more. More... more.. .

Come, let's go to the end together. To the pleasure that extends for all eternity, and is never exhausted...

The low words of the god stirred him up, Might's senses became pure white as he was raped.

...That... To that extent, that is my request. For an eternity...

For... an eternity...?

Climaxing for the second time, Might's senses became hazy, but at Ragsiel's last words, he looked up as it echoed in his head curiously.

(Ragsiel-san wants... us...?)

Ragsiel's expression itself was proud, but when he looked into his eyes, somewhere he could feel his pain.

Ragsiel...san... You are...

When he began remembering a mysterious deep emotion, an Might opened his mouth,

Ragsiel-sama?! What are you doing?!

Adonis had finished the telecommunications, and returned to the room.

A... Adonis...

With his mind dazed, Adonis stood stock still looking in blank surprise.


Ragsiel-sama! What do you really think of us!

When he saw how Might looked, what they were doing seemed obvious. The reason he sent him away was so that he could snatch Might-.

As one would expect, even the gentle Adonis raised his voice angrily at a time like this.

Oh, Adonis. Come over here, and we'll love Might together.

He appeared completely calm.

He said that entirely naturally, and it appeared Adonis couldn't give an answer.

No, no way... together... you say...

When Might saw his bewildered face, he became strangely amused.

Huhuhu... hahahaha...

He unintentionally began laughing, and Adonis was bewildered again.

...Might... What's wrong, with you...

It's fine, Adonis. If you're here, I always want to be loved.


So, come... Come here, Adonis. Let's pleasure each other. ...For an eternity.

Y, yeah...

When he gathered his senses and his breathing settled down, Might met him halfway.

Well then... Let's go, Might.

Reacting according to his will, Adonis gathered up his clothes with his supple limbs, and it seemed like they disappeared.

It won't come to that.

He nodded his head satisfactorily.

But, as he watched Might and Adonis exchange kisses, a lusty smile rose on his face again.

If Might is entrusting himself to Adonis... Then, I will give my love to Adonis.

Adonis buried himself as usual in Might.

...Uh... Might... Might...

Kuh... Uah... Adonis... Adonis...

But, that didn't suffice alone, and they sought each other's lips.

Huhuhu... You two are really cute...

He contended for Adonis' love from behind, and buried himself inside Adonis.

Uh... aah...! Ra, Ragsiel-sama... kuh... kuh... Auh...

Shaking his head with and expression of pain, Ragsiel gently whispered in his ear.

You two are mine... ...Until the end of time... You'll cure my boredom...

Ragsiel...sama... You...

Ragsiel nibbled on Adonis' ear as he tried to look back.

His body moved with Adonis' at the same time... And then Might's, single-mindedly causing pleasure.

Kuh... aah... nn... nn... nnn...

Uh... uah... haah...!

Unable to bear it, Might finished. And then Adonis. His entire body arched, and he went into convulsions.

Huu... As I thought... You're wonderful... I am... thoroughly... pleased.

Just a little later, Ragsiel also moaned a little bit while his body gave in to pleasure...

They used up all of their strength, and Might and Adonis stretched out on the bed completely exhausted.

Ragsiel gazed down at them, and had a bold smile.

Huhu... You are mine... After this, I'll pleasure you for all eternity. When you're about to reach it, I'll satisfy you forever...

Finally returning to his senses, Might unintentionally smiled.

Adonis looked at Might anxiously, and noticed his feelings. His expression loosened.

After this, for the rest of time, they might be made into Ragsiel's toys like this.

But, they were never in pain.

Because Ragsiel needed them. He spent eternity with them as companions.

-Both of them. He needed both Might and Adonis.

They never wanted to be separated again.

And, that wish was granted for all eternity-.

The End