At that time, Adonis tiredly looked up.

Might... It's fine, if it's you...

A, Adonis...

Adonis showed his usual gentle smile to the confused Might.

With this I can be with you, too... In the same way, Ragsiel-sama slept with me...


Yes, we'll always be together. Always together... Right, Might.

Y, yeah...

At Adonis' usual gentle words, Might finally regained his composure.

(...Yes, that's right. Ragsiel-san has that sort of character, I knew that.)

...Don't think about such things arrogantly.

Ragsiel glanced at Might dejectedly.

As expected of a god, he seemed to be aware of his thoughts.

...No, it's nothing.

Putting up with it, he answered with a clear smile. This was probably the extent of revenge that he could tolerate.

Ignoring the dejected Ragsiel, Might turned to face Adonis.

Adonis... I...

Seemingly anxious, the clothes wrapped around his body vanished slightly.

In the celestial world, all materials substances changed with their mind.

I understand, Might... I'll sleep with you...

Might quietly nodded his approval, and threw himself into Adonis' comfortable arms.

It won't come to that...

The expression a little bit ago that seemed sullen nodded satisfactorily.

But, as he watched Might and Adonis exchange kisses, a lusty smile rose on his face again.

If Might is entrusting himself to Adonis... Then, I will give my love to Adonis.

Adonis buried himself as usual in Might.

...Uh... Might... Might...

Kuh... Uah... Adonis... Adonis...

But, that didn't suffice alone, and they sought each other's lips.

Huhuhu... You two are really cute...

He contended for Adonis' love from behind, and buried himself inside Adonis.

Uh... aah...! Ra, Ragsiel-sama... kuh... kuh... Auh...

Shaking his head with and expression of pain, Ragsiel gently whispered in his ear.

You two are mine... ...Until the end of time... You'll cure my boredom...

Ragsiel...sama... You...

Ragsiel nibbled on Adonis' ear as he tried to look back.

His body moved with Adonis' at the same time... And then Might's, single-mindedly causing pleasure.

Kuh... aah... nn... nn... nnn...

Uh... uah... haah...!

Unable to bear it, Might finished. And then Adonis. His entire body arched, and he went into convulsions.

Huu... As I thought... You're wonderful... I am... thoroughly... pleased.

Just a little later, Ragsiel also moaned a little bit while his body gave in to pleasure...

They used up all of their strength, and Might and Adonis stretched out on the bed completely exhausted.

Ragsiel gazed down at them, and had a bold smile.

Huhu... You are mine... After this, I'll pleasure you for all eternity. When you're about to reach it, I'll satisfy you forever...

Finally returning to his senses, Might unintentionally smiled.

Adonis looked at Might anxiously, and noticed his feelings. His expression loosened.

After this, for the rest of time, they might be made into Ragsiel's toys like this.

But, they were never in pain.

Because Ragsiel needed them. He spent eternity with them as companions.

-Both of them. He needed both Might and Adonis.

They never wanted to be separated again.

And, that wish was granted for all eternity-.

The End