Mou, Might is always like this~! But it's true that I really like you.

Even though Pam was clearly smiling with good intentions, Might hadn't made any progress at all...

Pam reluctantly lowered him when he said his feelings.

Might's feet touched the ground. It was at that moment.


What's wrong?

Might... Umm, over there, something smells really familiar. I don't remember it completely, but, it definitely feels familiar!

Eh? Then, what is it? Ah...! Wait, Pam!

Not hearing to stop, Pam began running. Confused, Might began running after him.

They ran into the depths of the forest.

Pam, wait up! What's wrong!

Might finally caught up with Pam, talking as he caught his breath.


Pam stared ahead. His usual innocent smile disappeared, and he had a serious looking expression.


Might glanced where Pam was looking, and concentrated his eyes quietly. Through the thick trees he couldn't see anything, but...


Where they were looking... Some shadows moved!

Though it wasn't easy to tell from Might's eyes, it definitely looked like the shadow of a person.



I'm sure of it. I know it. It's the smell from when I was really tiny and was being held close...!!

When he murmured that, Pam took off running again.

H, hey... Pam...!

Might frantically ran behind him.

Even though he was completely confused by the sudden incident, one thing was certain.

Until now they'd traveled the world together. And, finally, finally Pam's dream was coming true...!

Mom! It's my mom!

Pam's Mom
Eh...? You... are...?

I'm Pam!

Pam's Mom

In front of Pam and Might was a beastman. Her entire body was covered in fur, and she had a long tail... The pattern on her tail... Was just like the pattern on Pam's tail.

Pam's Mom
Pam... You're...!

Pam's released worry and odor seemed to be transmitted to Pam's mother. The two exchanged a few words that seemed to reflect upon how many years it had been, and hugged each other.

Just watching them together, something welled up in Might's heart.

(I didn't have my parents either, but I always had Adonis... But, Pam was truly alone...)

(I'm relieved... Pam)

Pam's Mom
Ah... Who are you...?!

At Might's murmuring, Pam's mother stiffened and turned around. Her eyes were clearly being cautious.

Ah, I'm Might. Pam and I have been traveling together.

By nature, beastmen avoided contact with humans, living in the depths of unpopular forests.

Because humans hunted beastmen to make them slaves, Pam's mother's attitude seemed natural...

But, there was a faint sensation in Might's chest.

Even fear was in Pam's mother's eyes as she watched him carefully. It was a little extreme...

Well, Might is my important person. He's always been really nice to me!

To extinguish doubts about Might, Pam echoed him in a cheerful voice.

Pam's Mom
Is that, so...

Pam's mother reluctantly nodded her head at his feelings. Her wariness of Might was dissolved.

Ah...! Is that over there your house?

A simple hut had been built in the direction Pam energetically pointed. Pam's mother nodded with an, "Yes...", and Pam turned his eyes full of curiosity.

Ne, ne, what's it like inside~?Is it ok if we go in?

Pam's Mom
Huhuu... It's fine.

Pam's Mom
...Umm, do you want to come in too...?

Though she was smiling at Pam, her glance at Might was still frightened.

Eh, ah, I...

(What should I do...?)

He wanted to be with Pam. Above all, he wanted Pam's mother to know he was safe.

However, it was a place where a mother and child who had been separated for a lifetime were able to meet again...

I want to let them be together

Accept her good will